11,27 EUR

Collection TRANSformacije, Book number 2
© Maska, Ljubljana, 1998

This book was published in Slovenian.

The TRANSformacije Collection

Blaž Lukan: Dramaturgical figures – Essays on today’s theatre

11,27 EUR

If the book Dramaturgical replications (Knjižnica MGL, 1991), the theoretical debut of Blaž Lukan, was anchored in (practical) dramaturgy, even though that dramaturgy was always permeated with distinctively personal, essayistic author’s colouring, her successor Dramaturgical figures (1998) tried to provide its personal aspect with firmer theoretical foundations. The book Dramaturgical figures is actually a biographic episode of a thinker and spectator of different performance forms, his main preoccupation is to provide names, figures, comparatives to that which has sprung up on the stage as Real. The author himself admits that Dramaturgical figures are less dependent on practice, since at the time of their creation, he was winning more and more recognition as one of the main national theatre critics and essayists. The book is divided into three parts: chapters Plateaus, Models and Figures.

Dramaturgicaql figures are “a book of transition” for Lukan as well as for the theatrical environment in which it was created. With Lukan, it means a continuing ‘emancipation’ of position in dialogue with the creators and their work, which is most evident from the last part of the book. Lukan’s speciality is, in contrast with ‘hard theory’, which is dominating in the Slovenia of the last decade and which has especially profiled itself within the field of film, the ‘softness’ of his approach … Lukan’s discourse is a discourse of a stage manager who has exited the theatrical machine in order to fight it with even greater intensity.

Collection TRANSformacije, Book number 2
© Maska, Ljubljana, 1998

This book was published in Slovenian.








O avtorju

Pesnik, dramaturg in publicist Blaž Lukan se je rodil 22. novembra 1955 na Ptuju. Študij dramaturgije je opravil na AGRFT med leti 1974 in 1979, diplomiral pa je leta 1991. Leta 2006 pa je doktoriral. Bil je umetniški vodja dveh slovenskih gledališč, med leti 1985 in 1988 v Gleju, nato pa do leta 1993 v SLG Celje, kjer je najpogosteje sodeloval pri projektih kot dramaturg. Med leti 1993 in 2000 je bil samostojni kulturni ustvarjalec, nato komentator pri dnevniku Delo. Leta 2006 je postal docent za dramaturgijo na AGRFT v Ljubljani. Ob svojih dramaturgijah v Celju in tudi MGL se je uveljavil predvsem kot gledališki kritično-analitični kronist in teoretik. Delal pa je na mnogih področjih in ga poznamo tudi kot esejista, pisca leksikonov, priročnikov, delovnih zvezkov za osnovne šole, dramatizacij in avtorskih besedil. Izdal je več pesniških zbirk.

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