19 EUR

Collection TRANSformacije, book number 30
17 x 24 cm, 232 pages

This book was published in Slovenian.

The TRANSformacije Collection

Gerald Raunig: Art and revolution

19 EUR

Gerald Raunig has written an alternative art history of the “long twentieth century”, from the Paris Commune of 1871 to the turbulent counter-globalization protests in Genoa in 2001. Meticulously moving from the Situationists and Sergei Eisenstein to Viennese Actionism and the PublixTheatreCaravan, Art and Revolution takes on the history of revolutionary transgressions and optimistically charts an emergence from its tales of tragic failure and unequivocal disaster. By eloquently applying Deleuze and Guattari’s idea of the “machine” , Raunig extends the poststructuralist theory of revolution through to the explosive nexus of art and activism.

As hopeful as it is incisive, Art and Revolution encourages a new generation of artists and thinkers to refuse to participate in the tired prescriptions of marketplace and authority and instead create radical new methods of engagement. Raunig develops an indispensable, contemporary conception of political change–a conception that transcends the outmoded formulations of insurrection and resistance. Too much blood and ink has been shed for the art machines and the revolutionary machines to remain separate.

Collection TRANSformacije, book number 30
17 x 24 cm, 232 pages

This book was published in Slovenian.


The Concatenation of Art and Revolution

The Three Components of the Revolutionary Machine

Out of Sync: The Paris Commune as Revolutionary Machine

The Courbet Model: Sequential Concatenation:
Artist, Revolutionary, Artist

Spirit and Betrayal: German “Activism” in the 1910s

Disruptive Monsters: From Representing to Constructing Situations

“Art and Revolution,” 1968:
Viennese Actionism and the Negative Concatenation

The Transversal Concatenation of the PublixTheatreCaravan:
Temporary Overlaps of Art and Revolution

After 9/11: Postscript on an Immeasurable Border Space

About author

Gerald Raunig is a philosopher and art theorist. He works at the Zürich University of the Arts, Zürich and the eipcp (European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies), Vienna. He is coeditor of the multilingual publishing platform Transversal Texts and the Austrian journal Kamion. He is the author of Art and RevolutionA Thousand Machines, and Factories of Knowledge, Industries of Creativity, all published by Semiotext[e].

Knjiga v javnosti

Gerald Raunig: Umetnost in revolucija
TV Slovenija / Knjiga mene briga / 25. 4. 2011

Gerald Raunig: »Skupinsko ustvarjanje lahko ponuja nove oblike organiziranja, nove razvojne poti«
Mladina / 17. 2. 2011
Vsi majhni in razmeroma samostojni eksperimenti so pomembni za celotno družbo, saj potrebujete terene, kjer se preizkušajo novi načini in nove estetike eksistence. Ni mogoče delati preizkusov na ravni klasičnih oblik parlamentarnih demokracij in še manj čakati na državljane, da bi eksperimentirali s svojo eksistenco. V tem spletu družbenih razmerij pa je zelo pomembna povezava med etiko in estetiko, saj gre za snovanje novih načinov življenja v ekonomskem, političnem in tudi kulturnem smislu. Seveda je vprašanje, kako vse te avtonomne skupnosti preobraziti z namenom nenehnega revolucioniranja njihovega obstoja. Zame pa je še pomembneje najti odgovor na vprašanje, kako jih pomnožiti in hkrati izvleči iz njihove hermetične zaprtosti. Da bi postale virus za nove premisleke o razvojnih možnostih in upanjih.

Umetnost in revolucija
Radio Študent / 9. 3. 2011
Vendar pa avtorju ne gre preprosto za to, da bi izkopal v kanonu umetnostne zgodovine prezrte arhive, temveč da bi jih bral z neke druge, nam lastne perspektive, s tem pa izdelal, kot pravi sam, »času ustreznejši pojem revolucije«.

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