13 EUR

The Mediakcije collection, book no. 21
Editor: Janez Janša

This book was published in Slovenian.

The Mediakcije Collection

Marc Augé: In Praise of the Bicycle

13 EUR

It’s as if Slovenia in the last year turned around the cycling pedals: in the first wave of the pandemic, the cities turned into ghost towns crossed by bicycles carrying food and their exhausted and underpaid delivery people. For a few days, Slovenia was dressed in yellow after a double victory of Slovenian cyclists (competing for clubs that have nothing to do with Slovenia) at the Tour de France. A violent breaking in the former Rog bicycle factory that has become a “factory” of a different (solidary, emphatic, horizontal, engaged, etc.) sociality in the past decade buried the last illusions of Ljubljana being an open, tolerant, cosmopolitan capital. And after a few weeks of the pandemic, the bicycle became “a weapon brandished by thousands all across Slovenia”. The bicycle gained a completely new social dimension: it became a tool of a general revolt against the authoritarian measures of the government. The latter forbade people to gather and socialise on public spaces and in public areas but could not stop a group movement of people. On Friday protests, cyclers didn’t only discover the city but also the social and political power of a free (cycling) movement. With “the power of calves”, as Augé puts it, they made new social connections and took to the fight for the accessibility of public space.

The Mediakcije collection, book no. 21
Editor: Janez Janša

This book was published in Slovenian.

The Bicycle

“Kolo je za tiste, ki tvegajo in se po mestu zapeljejo prvič, priložnost za novo izkušnjo: kolo omogoča, da razdalje zopet ocenimo in da uberemo bližnjice, ki jih ne dopušča javni prevoz, saj sledi utrjenim progam. Na kolesu je več prehodov, več prog. Skrivaj se podamo v neko drugo geografijo, izrazito in dobesedno poetično, ker je to priložnost, da ustvarimo neposredne stike z mesti, ki jih sicer redko obiskujemo, in ki tako postanejo nov izvor prostranih metamorfoz, nepričakovanih zbliževanj in kratkih stikov, ki jih z močjo meč neprestano izziva prebujena radovednost novih sprehajalcev.” (Marc Augé, Hvalnica kolesu)

About The Author

Marc Augé (Poitiers, 1935) is a former Director of Studies at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales, one of the greatest anthropologists studying Africa, and in the last twenty years a reference in the field of late-modernist anthropology. As a world-famous ethnologist, he developed the anthropological plurality of contemporary worlds oriented into the ritual dimension of everyday life and modernity. His bibliography is impressive: he published over forty books and was translated into numerous languages. In Sonja Dular’s translation, Maska published his ground-breaking study Non-places. An Introduction to Supermodernity (2011), the book that made Augé famous all over the world.




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