
Dance performance
Concept: Iztok Kovač, Janez Janša
Production: EN-KNAP
Premiere: 15. 10. 2013, Španski borci

Choreographer Iztok Kovač, the founder of the important dancing ensemble EnKnapGroup from Ljubljana, and director, theatre theoretician and performer Janez Janša, now, in their fifties, return to the cult solo performance by Kovač How I Caught a Falcon from 1991. It is impossible to step into the same river, and they don´t even try. The original solo is just a frame for their contemporary ideas about art and ageing, and a basis for their honest testimony about human limits. The original choreography is a beautiful pretext to celebrate dance and to be on stage again. For the perfectionist Kovač who understands the body as a potent, agile machine, it is not easy. He struggles, through the choreography he confronts himself with the production of his youth, and also with Janša who contradicts him. It is Janša who provokes Kovač to dance again, to question the limiting belief that ageing inevitably means the end of the artistic carrier to a dance artist.

Dance performance
Concept: Iztok Kovač, Janez Janša
Production: EN-KNAP
Premiere: 15. 10. 2013, Španski borci

Falcon Today

However, there are no tired and disenchanted old men on stage. Their physical fitness is obvious even today. But even more precious is their playful confrontation with their own past, or rather, with their past ideals.

Their locomotive-personal dialogue is carried in a sympathetically civil tone; questions pertaining to the past and future are asked carelessly, charmingly provocatively, as if two friends were teasing each other. They juggle with the relativity of their opinions and ideas about why do we need the dance art today. They question their qualities as well as their past ambitions. The enchanting but mostly playful scenic storytelling is made dynamic not just by their differing opinions, but also by their different artistic directions and different temperaments.

Through the dance solo, thanks to which Slovenian art made itself visible abroad, they return to the beginnings of forming the independent art scene in Slovenia after the fall of socialism and the break-up of the federal state of Yugoslavia. Therefore, the selfdefinition then and now is multiple. Contemporary dance, formulating as a genre its new direction freed from the pressure of tradition and old dance techniques, is being self-defined. A freshly originated nation is searching its identity and its place within the wider whole – the Europe – in independence. And young artist flies toward something in which he sees the promise of total freedom. Every self-definition has a common aspect – the desire to be unrestrained and to have space in which it can show its strength, just like a falcon.

Almost a quarter of century has passed since the premiere of How I Caught a Falcon. Where are today these two creators and how does the art scene look like? Iztok Kovač is even in the age of fifty flexible and fast, and Janez Janša is still as playful and surprising as he used to be. They both have come to know their own limits as well as the limits of the local art scene. Some of it they have already anticipated from the start, and at the beginning of the nineties they even prophetically named it. Much of what they have discovered later has proven to be inspiring for future creation. And namely with this consciousness, they step again into the old form tailored to the needs of a spontaneous, or maybe even naive young artistic explosion. Experience is dancing hand in hand with youthfulness.

Is the beauty and the agility of human movement, known by our grandfathers gathered around the physical training clubs called Falcon, really irretrievably gone, as the society is still obsessed with the ideas of a potent, healthy and impressive body? Falcon! is a neverending struggle for perfection, for the effort to persist in movement and to never stop moving.


Koncept in izvedba: Iztok Kovač, Janez Janša
Glas: Nada Vodušek
Gostje na posnetkih: Jonathan Burrows, Julyen Hamilton, Mateja Rebolj, Renata Salecl

Oblikovanje svetlobe in tehnična izvedba: Luka Curk
Kostumografija: Valter Kobal

Glasba: zvočni posnetki iz predstave Kako sem ujel Sokola
Oblikovanje zvoka: Tomaž Grom
Asistentka pri gibu: Tanja Skok

Izvršna produkcija: Marjeta Lavrič
Produkcija: EN-KNAP
Koprodukcija: Maska Ljubljana

V predstavi so uporabljene video izjave: Jonathana Burrowsa, Julyena Hamiltona, Mateje Rebolj in Renate Salecl
Kamera: Nina Bučuk, Janez Janša, Carme Renalias, Anna Berger
Montaža posnetkov: Julyen Hamilton, Amini Weber, Omar Ismail
Grafika: Omar Ismail
Prevodi v slovenščino: Marija Zidar
V predstavi je uporabljen posnetek iz predstave »The Immaterial World« Julyena Hamiltona (izvedba v Seattlu, ZDA, 2012).

V predstavi so uporabljeni osebni zapiski Iztoka Kovača iz leta 1991 ter besedila: Simona Karduma »Not bad, Ico«, Slovenske novice, 16. 01 1992, Judith Mackrell »A foreign dream of liberation«, The Independent, 6. 05. 1993, Alda Milohnića »Agent slovenskega sna«, Dnevnik, 23.10 .1992.

V predstavi je uporabljena skladba Venček Narodnih II avtorja Vilija Fajdige iz albuma: Za fuk pa špila gramofon, izdanega pri založbi Nika septembra 2009. Uporabljeno z dovoljenjem.

Zahvaljujemo se:
Jonathanu Burrowsu, Julyenu Hamiltonu, Janezu Janši, Hotimirju Knificu, Anji Planišček, Mateji Rebolj, Renati Salecl, Juliji Travančić, Aminu Webru, projektu Motionbank, MG+MSUM in Sever&Sever.

Predstava je nastala s finančno podporo Mestne občine Ljubljana – Oddelka za kulturo ter Ministrstva za kulturo RS.
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Predstava v javnosti

Jela Krečič: Iztok Kovač in Trbovlje, njegov naravni Hollywood
Delo / 12. 5. 2013
…(Falcon!) opens a new space for ideas, wondering, excitement and artistic pleasure that did not exist before. It seems that this new space welcomes a fruitful encouragement towards interpretation and reflection – today perhaps even more so that at the time of the creation of the original performance.”

Jedrt Jež Furlan: Kilometrina, modrost žlahtnost
Dnevnik / Objektiv / 19. 10. 2013
“…The humour and perceptiveness of Falcon! are missing in the performances of young dancers. They may be faster and more agile but lack the patina that can only be formed by endurance, life and creative experience. In Slovenia with a rapidly aging population, Falcon! is a profoundly more relevant and acute performance than those that try to keep the pace with times by referring to the recent (and currently inactive) street protests. Falcon! speaks of a subject matter missing from the current public debates: it discusses aging that does not bring along just retirement-related problems /…/ but also quality, wisdom and humour. No strategy or public tender can encompass what we are able to watch in Falcon!.”

Daliborka Podboj: Sokola Janez Janša in Iztok Kovač vsak na svojem bregu
Parada plesa / 13. 11. 2013
Koreografija spominov in spoznanj Iztoka Kovača in Janeza Janše je zgodba ter uprizoritev, ki se bo vsakič malce drugače spletala in razpletala, ko pa si avtorja puščata in še sproti odpirata nove prostore za še ne obnovljene spomine in spoznanja, saj je ob toliko izkušnjah ena ura odrskega sija gotovo premalo.

See also

  • Recent projects
  • Počemučka: Voyager
  • Peekaboo Pointe visting Maska
  • Maska visiting the Frankfurt Book Fair 2023
  • Performance Festival 2023
  • SoToSpeak 2022/2023
  • SoToSpeak – a Cycle of Theatre Essays
  • The Future is Feminist
  • Peak
  • Crises
  • All projects