• Performance

Curators: Urška Brodar, Katarina Stegnar
Coproduction: Maska Ljubljana and Slovensko mladinsko gledališče

A travelling choreographic action, the performance Right Left takes marching, one of the oldest forms of organised movement associated with the display of power of the army and the state, and transforms it into an artistic act. We declare the orderly march to be an artistic expression and oppose its use to spread fear and aggression! We place the choreography of the orderly march as a choreography of intimidation in the art gallery, where it will be archived. Other forms of power-over-weakness and the use of force and intimidation in politics and interpersonal relations will be symbolically archived alongside it. Marching: right left against bullying! right left for demilitarisation!

The performance consists of two parts. In the first part, the author of the project, Jan Rozman, marches alone in a balaclava along the pedestrian zone of Ljubljana. The march starts at the Ajdovščina underpass and then winds its way through the centre of Ljubljana – across Slovenska cesta, Prešeren Square, Kongresni trg, Šuštarski most, Mestni trg, Tromostov and Trg Republike to the Moderna galerija. It ends with the entrance to the gallery. The next day, in the second part of the project, the artist is joined in marching by a group of similarly masked people, who march along the same route to the Museum of Modern Art, where they get dressed up, and the performance ends with the handing over of the artwork in question to the Museum of Modern Art for safekeeping and ownership.

The pacifist performance Right Left aims to open up the social debate on fear and security and to address the questions of who we are really afraid of, who (or what) we need (and want) to protect ourselves from, and who (or what) fear-mongering actually serves.

About the author
Jan Rozman works as a performer, choreographer, dancer and improviser between Ljubljana and Berlin. In his artistic practice he uses object-oriented ontology, extended notions of corporeality, material semiotics, textures, gaps, errors and confusion, ecology, imagination, (science) fiction and humour. Her work focuses on the research and articulation of relevant performance expressions for the post-internet and anthropocene era. He studied at the Artistic Gymnasium (Department of Contemporary Dance) in Ljubljana, studied choreography at the Amsterdam SNDO (AhK) and completed his MFA in the Solo/Dance/Authorship programme at the HZT (UdK) in Berlin. He also completed his undergraduate studies in physiotherapy at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana (UL).


  • Performance

Curators: Urška Brodar, Katarina Stegnar
Coproduction: Maska Ljubljana and Slovensko mladinsko gledališče

See also

  • Recent projects
  • And Finally the Snow Falls Again
  • The Molat Colony: A Reparative Retreat
  • YUFU Cycle
  • REFUGE Festival
  • Sex Education II
  • Počemučka: Voyager
  • Peekaboo Pointe visting Maska
  • Maska visiting the Frankfurt Book Fair 2023
  • Festival of Performance
  • All projects