Katja Gorečan and Nika Švab: HOME SWEET HOME

  • Performance

Curators: Urška Brodar, Katarina Stegnar
Coproduction: Maska Ljubljana and Slovensko mladinsko gledališče

Home is where the heart is.
Everywhere is beautiful, but home is the best.
Home is where we feel at home and welcomed.
Be grateful for the home you have and know that in this moment, all you have is all you need.
Love begins at home, and it is not about how much we do … but how much love we put into the act.
There is nothing more comfortable than being at home.

  • Performance

Curators: Urška Brodar, Katarina Stegnar
Coproduction: Maska Ljubljana and Slovensko mladinsko gledališče

See also

  • Recent projects
  • And Finally the Snow Falls Again
  • The Molat Colony: A Reparative Retreat
  • YUFU Cycle
  • REFUGE Festival
  • Sex Education II
  • Počemučka: Voyager
  • Peekaboo Pointe visting Maska
  • Maska visiting the Frankfurt Book Fair 2023
  • Festival of Performance
  • All projects