A cartography of the feature lenght-slide show

Project by Roka Vevar and Simona Semenič

A Cartography of the Feature-Length Slide Show is a dance documentary, in which the questions about art, culture, production, spectatorship, community and the urban contexts in which they work are discussed by Nikolina Bujas Pristaš (Zagreb, Croatia), Bojan Djordjev (Beograd, Serbia and Monte Negro), David Lakein (Berlin, Germany), Andros Zinsbrowne (Brussels, Belgium), Ivana Catanese (New York, USA) and Andreja Rauch (Kranj, Ljubljana, Slovenia). All participants work in the field of performing arts and they deal with problems common to all of them as well as with problems specific to their individual work.

The creators of the performance Rok Vevar, Simona Semenič and Nada Žgank visited the artists in their hometowns, in their homes and their studios, and together they charted the cartography of their favourite, the most homely as well as the most alienating spaces in their milieus; they marked these locations and recorded the latitude and longitude of their identities. The creators of the performance sought to find out why these artists chose theatre and dance as their media of expression, and what are some of the routes they have travelled during their training and career; they were interested in the artists’ stories of views and their views of stories, the glossaries of their key concepts, and the temporality of their desire to make theatre. The performance is intended as a reflection on the questions of why we make theatre, why we attend theatre performances, what drives us to collaborate and what we are willing to give up to achieve all this. Israeli philosopher Irit Rogoff describes cartography as a practice of designating locations and identities. A Cartography of the Feature-Length Slide Show is an attempt to constellate the problematics of creativity in a specific generation of artists in the field of contemporary performing arts.

Project by Roka Vevar and Simona Semenič


By Rok Vevar
Dramaturgy: Simona Semenič
Photography: Nada Žgank
Performed by: Andreja Rauch
Light design: Danilo Pečar
In collaboration with artists who have performed on the video: Nikolina Bujas Pristaš (Zagreb, Hrvaška), Bojan Djordjev (Beograd, Srbija in Črna gora), David Lakein (Berlin, Nemčija), Andros Zinsbrowne (Bruslej, Belgija), Ivana Catanese (New York, ZDA) in Andreja Rauch (Kranj, Ljubljana, Sovenija)
Video created by: Rok Vevar, Simona Semenič
Technical advisor: Sebastjan Nenad
Sound editing: Peter Kus
Video editing: Boris Garb
Produced by: Maska, Glej, Cankarjev dom v sodelovanju s SCCA Ljubljana

Reception in public

Blaž Lukan: Na prijazni površini
Delo / 27. 12. 2005
V predstavitvi svojih protagonistov namreč ostane na prijazni površini, kljub očitnemu trudu zabeležiti življenjske in ustvarjalne trenutke izbranih umetnikov zgolj od zunaj, zaradi narave projekta se ne more soočiti z njihovimi resničnimi oz. intimnimi kreativnimi problemi, ne zaloti jih v trenutku ustvarjalnih dilem, kriz ali travm, kakor tudi samo nakaže morebitno problematizacijo lastne umetniške pozicije.

Kulturne drobtinice
Radio Slovenija / VAL 2020 /  21. 12. 2005
Kartografija celovečernih slik je predstava, ki smo se jo lotili na začetku leta 2005. Izbrali smo pet umetnikove s področja sodobnega gledališča in plesa, jih obiskali v njihovih mestih, se pravi Beogradu, Zagrebu, Berlinu, Bruslju in New Yorku in z njimi opravili intervjuje na podlagi vprašalnika, ki je bil fiksen in se je nanašal na vprašanja umetnosti, kulture, produkcije, njihovega odnosa do gledalcev, dela v skupini in vezanosti na nek geopolitičen ali kulturni prostor v katerem delujejo. Posneli smo foto in avdio material in iz tega naredili video, ki je v predstavi kombiniran z nastopom plesalke v živo.

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See also

  • Recent projects
  • Počemučka: Voyager
  • Peekaboo Pointe visting Maska
  • Maska visiting the Frankfurt Book Fair 2023
  • Performance Festival 2023
  • SoToSpeak – a Cycle of Theatre Essays
  • SoToSpeak 2022/2023
  • The Future is Feminist
  • Peak
  • Crises
  • All projects