15 EUR

Collection Mediakcije, book number 10
Collection editor: Janez Janša
271 pages
Maska, Ljubljana, 2011
ISBN 978-961-6572-27-9

This book was published in Slovenian.

The Mediakcije Collection

Alexander R. Galloway: Gaming. Essays on algorithmic culture

15 EUR

Video games have been a central feature of the cultural landscape for over twenty years and now rival older media like movies, television, and music in popularity and cultural influence. Yet there have been relatively few attempts to understand the video game as an independent medium. Most such efforts focus on the earliest generation of text-based adventures (Zork, for example) and have little to say about such visually and conceptually sophisticated games as Final Fantasy X, Shenmue, Grand Theft Auto, Halo, and The Sims, in which players inhabit elaborately detailed worlds and manipulate digital avatars with a vast—and in some cases, almost unlimited—array of actions and choices.

In Gaming, Alexander Galloway instead considers the video game as a distinct cultural form that demands a new and unique interpretive framework. Drawing on a wide range of disciplines, particularly critical theory and media studies, he analyzes video games as something to be played rather than as texts to be read, and traces in five concise chapters how the “algorithmic culture” created by video games intersects with theories of visuality, realism, allegory, and the avant-garde. If photographs are images and films are moving images, then, Galloway asserts, video games are best defined as actions.

Collection Mediakcije, book number 10
Collection editor: Janez Janša
271 pages
Maska, Ljubljana, 2011
ISBN 978-961-6572-27-9

This book was published in Slovenian.

About author

Alexander R. Galloway (born 1974) is an author and professor in the Department of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University. He has a bachelor’s degree in Modern Culture and Media from Brown University and earned a Ph.D. in Literature from Duke University in 2001. Galloway is known for his writings on philosophy, media theory, contemporary art, film, and video games.



1. Gamic Actions, Four Moments
2. Origins of the First Person Shooter
3. Social Realism
4. Allegories of Control
5. Countergamimg

Knjiga v javnosti

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Dnevnik / 23. 3. 2012
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Ekran / 5. 12. 2012
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Naš čas / 24. 5. 2012
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Book collections