25 EUR

Special editions
Editors: Barbara Sušec Michieli, Blaž Lukan and Maja Šorli
©Maska in AGRFT, 2010
ISBN 978-961-6572-24-8

This book was published in Slovenian.

Special Editions

Dynamics of change in the 20th century Slovenian theatre

25 EUR

The research topic of the scientific monograph Dynamics of Change in the 20th Century Slovenian Theatre is the Slovenian theatre in the previous century. This was a constitutive century of the Slovenian theatre which finally got established and affirmed as a modern, European and professionally founded social, cultural and art institution.

The fact that the monograph was produced exactly ten years after the end of the century might be the reason for its contributions to shift away from the hitherto predominant models of the Slovenian theatre historiography. Thus the studies published provide an important extension, supplement and revision of the theatre history in Slovenia and simultaneously contribute to further discussion on the evaluation of individual theatrical genres, periods, achievements and protagonists of the addressed era.

Furthermore, contrary to the previous publications, this volume provides a more thorough insight into the traditionally marginalised theatre phenomena, the reception as well as social contextualisation of the art of theatre.

Special editions
Editors: Barbara Sušec Michieli, Blaž Lukan and Maja Šorli
©Maska in AGRFT, 2010
ISBN 978-961-6572-24-8

This book was published in Slovenian.


Barbara Sušec Michieli, Blaž Lukan & Maja Šorli
The 20th Century Slovenian Theatre in the Dynamic Processes
of Change of Aesthetics and Social Norms

Aleš Gabrič
The Societal and Social Role of Slovenian
Theatre Activity during the 20th Century

Blaž Lukan
The Europeization of Slovenian Theatre: The Birth of Modern Theatre Directing

Barbara Sušec Michieli
Difficulties with Classics and History: Ancient Greek Tragedy in the 20th century Slovenian theatre

Martina Vovk
Trieste Constructivism and Theatre. Draft stage sets, character studies and stage set conceptualization by Avgust Černigoj and Eduard Stepančič

Katarina Podbevšek
Changes in the Aesthetics of Stage Speech in Slovenia during the 20th Century

Denis Poniž
Prolegomenon to the Research on the Role and Significance of Slovenian Drama and Theatre at the Time of the Transition from the Totalitarian to the Democratic System during the Period 1960-1990

Barbara Orel
To the History of Performance Art in Slovenia:
Experimental theatre practices 1966-1986

Bojana Kunst
Movement and Choreographic Concepts in Slovenian Contemporary Dance

Ksenija Hribar
Supplement: The Dance Lesson at Cankarjev Dom

Maja Šorli
Tomaž Pandur’s Legacy on SNG Maribor

Knjiga v javnosti

Slavko Pezdir: Zgodovinjenje uprizoritvenih praks
Delo / 13. 10. 2011
Zgodovinar Aleš Gabrič, ki je prispeval študijo Družbena in družabna vloga gledališke dejavnosti na Slovenskem 20. stoletju, je opozoril, da je poklicno gledališko ustvarjanje pri nas začelo prevladovati nad ljubiteljskim šele po pojavu potrošništva ter da je očaranost nad gledališčem času številnih novih medijev mnogo manjša, kot je bila nekoč.

Barbara Orel o eksperimentalnih gledaliških praksah na Slovenskem, v svinčenih sedemdesetih
Radio Slovenija / ARS program / Oder / 30. 9. 2011
Odločitev je bila na začetku te raziskave prav pragmatična. Ko smo v naši raziskovalni skupini na Akademiji za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo začeli raziskovat marginalne in subkulturne družbene prakse, ki so potekale v sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, sem se odločila za sedemdeseta. Iz praktičnih razlogov. Do konca šestdesetih so eksperimentalne gledališke prakse že raziskane, osemdeseta in devetdeseta so lepo evidentirana, sedemdeseta pa se razpirajo kot neka praznina

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