15 EUR

Special editions

The book is a special art object and a nice present since, in addition to the stickers, you also receive a pink or red pouch

Special Editions

Janez Janša: Life [In Progress]

15 EUR

The book is a work of two excellent and award-winning designers from Zagreb – Dora Budor and Maja Čule. This cloth-bound hardcover book is handmade. It contains 55 instructions from the Life [in Progress] performance and exhibition and a few additional ones that have not been presented so far.

The book was published in English and has 124 pages with the accompanying text by Blaž Lukan. What is special about this book is its interactivity. The visual material is printed on self-adhesive stickers that can be pasted in the book. The users can also stick their own photos in the book.

Special editions

The book is a special art object and a nice present since, in addition to the stickers, you also receive a pink or red pouch

Book collections