25 EUR

Special Editions, book no. 18
Edited poshumously by: Tomaž Kraigher
Preface: Rok Vevar
© Tomaž Kraigher, Ljubljana, 2016
ISBN 978-961-6572-46-0

This book was published in Slovenian.

Special Editions

Živa Kraigher: Ko se zgodi ples. Zapisi, dokumenti, spomini

25 EUR

Živa Kraigher (1920–2011) was predominately marked by contemporary dance and her active involvement in the national liberation movement. She began dancing when she was 15 years old and joined the Meta Vidmar School of Contemporary Art Dance in Ljubljana. In 1940, the school organised a production in the Ljubljana Opera House, where she performed an original dance study Pajek (Spider), warning against the spread of Nazism.

In 1943–1953, she developed the dance solo Upor (Revolt), which is considered one of the peaks of contemporary dance in Slovenia. In 1956, she began her independent pedagogical career in Pionirska knjižnica. She attended courses in Paris, Berlin, and Dresden.

Today, she is considered one of the founders of Slovenian contemporary dance. After 2002, she took to gathering and interpreting notes, files, and dance materials that she kept collecting through entire life. This led to a tale of her expressionist dance, her performances, and her students. She left behind a collection of over 900 typed pages and over 2000 documents and photos. We edited them into a publication that brings numerous previously unknow information and data on the history of contemporary dance in Slovenia.

Special Editions, book no. 18
Edited poshumously by: Tomaž Kraigher
Preface: Rok Vevar
© Tomaž Kraigher, Ljubljana, 2016
ISBN 978-961-6572-46-0

This book was published in Slovenian.


Namesto uvoda: Kratka zgodovinska umestitev plesne moderne, Mary Wigman in Mete Vidmar

1. poglavje
Šola Mete Vidmar in Pionirska knjižnica

2. poglavje
V Švici in Parizu, zima 1957/58

3. poglavje
Karin Waehner in Juan Carlos Bellini, 1958–1961

4. poglavje
Ob srečanjih z Mary Wigman in Martho Graham

5. poglavje
Oddelek za izrazni ples na ZGBI

7. poglavje
Ljubljanski festival: II., III. in IV. baletni bienale

8. poglavje
Mestno gledališče ljubljansko, 1962–1965

9. poglavje
Sodelovanje z RTV Ljubljana v obdobju 1964–1971

Veliki oder poletnega gledališča Križank, 1969–1972

Studio za svobodni ples

Skupina za izrazni ples ZGBI, 1976–1982

13. poglavje
svetovni festival mladine in študentov v Havani, 1978

Hommage Meti Vidmar

Še o samostojnih poteh učenk Oddelka za izrazni ples

Spremna Beseda
Rok Vevar
Gibanje neuvrščenih

Imensko kazalo

Kazalo opisov in omemb plesnih del Mete Vidmar, Žive Kraigher in njunih učenk (po letih prve izvedbe)

Reception in public

Ko se zgodi ples: Zapisi Žive Kraigher
TV Slovenija / Kultura / 16. 5. 2017 / prispevek Tine Šrot

Nika Arhar: Plesna pot Žive Kraigher kot dragocen dokument o zgodovini sodobnega plesa
MMC RTV SLO / 31. 5. 2017
“These seeming opposites of various types of contemporary dance art went through all my essence – through my body and mind. I never understood them as opposites but always as complements,” wrote Živa Kraigher.

Nina Žnidaršič: Predstavitev knjige Ko se zgodi ples Žive Kraigher je več kot zgolj knjiga o plesu in življenju
parada.plesa / 4. 6. 2017
The work is a textual and photographic document as it records both the historical and the experiential dimension of Živa Kraigher, her artistic creation in contemporary dance from 1938 onwards.

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