15 EUR

Collection Mediakcije, book number 6
275 strani, format 12 x 16 cm

This book was published in Slovenian.

The Mediakcije Collection

McKenzie Wark: A Hacker Manifesto

15 EUR

A double is haunting the world–the double of abstraction, the virtual reality of information, programming or poetry, math or music, curves or colorings upon which the fortunes of states and armies, companies and communities now depend. The bold aim of this book is to make manifest the origins, purpose, and interests of the emerging class responsible for making this new world–for producing the new concepts, new perceptions, and new sensations out of the stuff of raw data. A Hacker Manifesto deftly defines the fraught territory between the ever more strident demands by drug and media companies for protection of their patents and copyrights and the pervasive popular culture of file sharing and pirating. This vexed ground, the realm of so-called “intellectual property,” gives rise to a whole new kind of class conflict, one that pits the creators of information–the hacker class of researchers and authors, artists and biologists, chemists and musicians, philosophers and programmers–against a possessing class who would monopolize what the hacker produces.

McKenzie Wark is Associate Professor of Media and Cultural Studies at Eugene Lang College and of Sociology at the New School for Social Research. His best known works are A Hacker Manifesto and Gamer Theory.

Collection Mediakcije, book number 6
275 strani, format 12 x 16 cm

This book was published in Slovenian.

About author

McKenzie Wark (born 1961) is an Australian-born writer and scholar. Wark is known for her writings on media theory, critical theory, new media, and the Situationist International. Her best known works are A Hacker Manifesto and Gamer Theory. She is Professor of Media and Cultural Studies at The New School in New York City.




















Knjiga v javnosti

McKenzie Wark: Hekerski manifest
Indirekt / Književne novosti / 4. 7. 2008
Pravzaprav je Hekerski manifest manifest družbe, kjer bo pretok informacij svoboden, razredni boj se bo torej odvijal med zagovorniki prostega pretoka informacij in posestniki teh pravic. Kot rečeno, utopija.

Andreja Kopač: Proti lastninjenju informacij
Mag / 4. 6. 2008
Če so zgodnji zrastli iz podzemlja, so novodobni hekerji zrasli iz dobro situiranih najstnikov, ki so jijh počasi, drugega za drugim, shekale razne firme, če se že prej niso shekali sami, ali pa si denar služijo z različnimi dejavnostmi na meji zakona. Vendar pa je knjiga zastavljena presej širše. Namenjena je namreč vsem vedoželjnim umom s kančkom hekerskega intelekta, ki jih zanima predvsem umevanje pojavov nove dobe, v črni luknji katere plove vsakdo – na samosvoj, hekerski način.

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