Collection TRANSformacije, book number 26
Collection editor: Janez Janša
Editors: Aldo Milohnić in Ivo Svetina
17 x 24 cm, 331 pages
© Maska in Slovenski gledališki muzej, Ljubljana, 2009

This book was published in Slovenian.



The TRANSformacije Collection

Aldo Milohnić in Ivo Svetina (ed.): The Pupilceks Have Arrived; 40 years of the Pupilja Ferkeverk Theatre

The journal The Pupilceks Have Arrived: 40 Years of the Pupilija Ferkeverk Theatre sheds light on all aspects of the activities of the neo-avant-garde theatre group Pupilija Ferkeverk, especially its cult performance Pupilija, papa Pupilo, and the Pupilceks, which was created precisely 40 years ago (in 1969).

The book is divided into several thematic sections. The first part contains the testimonies of some of the protagonists of the Pupilija Ferkeverk Theatre and their associates, including a survey article by Ivo Svetina from 1986, supplemented by author for the publication in this journal; an essay by director Dušan Jovanović, in which he describes the method of working with the Pupilceks; an essay by Denis Poniž, who cooperated with the group in its early period (before it was named Pupilija Ferkeverk); an excerpt from the diary of Goranka Kreačič, who appeared in Pupilija’s performances; a short interview with Junoš Miklavec, who slaughtered the chicken on the opening night of Pupilija, papa Pupilo, and the Pupilceks; and an interview with Lado Kralj, the founder of the Pekarna theatre, which part of the former Pupilceks joined. The book also includes the media responses, the theatre critiques of the time, and a lot of visual and other documentary material that is no longer so easily accessible and is known only to the few who research this period in the history of Slovenian theatre.

The book comes with a chronology of key events, an extensive list of references, and an index of names. The journal was edited by Aldo Milohnić and Ivo Svetina, and published by Maska and the Slovenian National Theatre Museum.

Collection TRANSformacije, book number 26
Collection editor: Janez Janša
Editors: Aldo Milohnić in Ivo Svetina
17 x 24 cm, 331 pages
© Maska in Slovenski gledališki muzej, Ljubljana, 2009

This book was published in Slovenian.



Three parts

In the second part of the journal, there are theoretical papers on Pupilija Ferkeverk and some contemporaneous movements in Slovenia (especially the neo-avant-garde group OHO) and elsewhere (in other republics of the SFRY, in Europe and the USA). Some of the authors followed the activities of the group during the time it existed, whereas some of the younger authors had to work with a video recording of a TV adaptation, photos of scenes from performances, Karpo Godina’s experimental film The Fried Brain of Pupilija Ferkeverk, and the testimonies of the protagonists from that period and the reconstruction from 2006. The purpose of these contributions is to establish a historical context in which the Pupilija Ferkeverk group was established and operated for a few years and to develop a critical discourse on this period, the group itself, and especially their most known performance Pupilija, papa Pupilo, and the Pupilceks. This part of the book opens with a hitherto unpublished contribution by Primož Kozak (“The Avant-garde in Slovenian Theatre – Destruction or Reform”), which was written in the early 1980s when Kozak lectured about the Pupilija Ferkeverk Theatre at an international conference. There follow seven discussions written exclusively for this journal by Miško Šuvaković (“The OHO group and the Pupilija Ferkeverk Theatre. A Comparative Study: Questions on the Limits of Freedom); Zdenko Vrdlovec (“The ‘Prophetical Discourse’ of Advertising in Fried Brain of Pupilija Ferkeverk); Aleksandra Jovićević (“On the Wings of the Slaughtered Chicken: The Life and Death of Pupilija Ferkeverk, 1969–1972”); Barbara Orel (“Pupilija as an Incision in the Regime of Representation and Perception”); Tomaž Toporišič (“The Performing Turn of Pupilija Ferkeverk”); Darko Štrajn (“The Social Movement of the Pupilija Ferkeverk Theatre”); and Aldo Milohnić (“Those That Did (Not) Slaughter the Chicken”).

The third part of the journal focuses on the contemporary reception of Pupilija Ferkeverk through the phenomenon of the reconstruction. The performance Pupilija, papa Pupilo, and the Pupilceks – Reconstruction, staged in 2006 by Janez Janša, is examined by the director of the performance (“Reconstruction2: On the Reconstructions of Pupilija, papa Pupilo, and the Pupilceks and Monument G”) and Katherin Zakravsky (“On the Reenactment of Pupilija – A Photo Novel”), while Astrid Peterle places Pupilija within the context of reconstructions in visual and performing arts, a known and frequently used method in the history of art that has recently become increasingly more relevant (“Reenactments and the Potential of a Calculated Failure”).

O urednikih

Aldo Milohnić je doktor sociologije kulture in docent na Univerzi v Ljubljani – Akademiji za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo, kjer predava zgodovino gledališča, od leta 2013 je tudi predstojnik Centra za teatrologijo in filmologijo. Uredil je številne zbornike (npr. Prišli so Pupilčki: 40 let Gledališča Pupilije FerkeverkNew Paradigms, New Models: At the Crossroads of Cultural Politics;Evropski vratarji; Along the Margins of Humanities) in tematske številke kulturnih časopisov (npr. Gledališče uporaThe Politicality of PerformanceArtivizemBody/DifferencesBrecht/GestusKaj lahko naredimo z besedami v gledališčuŽenske v gledališčuUvod v Heinerja Müllerja). Je soavtor več knjig (npr. Kultura d.o.o.: materialni pogoji kulturne produkcijeČas je za Brechta), avtor knjige Teorije sodobnega gledališča in performansa (Maska, 2009) ter številnih člankov v znanstveni in strokovni periodiki. Sodeloval je v mnogih domačih in mednarodnih raziskovalnih projektih o zgodovini in teoriji scenskih umetnosti, sociologiji kulture in kulturni politiki. Je član Društva gledaliških kritikov in teatrologov Slovenije (DGKTS), mednarodne zveze za gledališke raziskave International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR), sveta Slovenskega gledališkega inštituta, uredniških odborov revij Maska in Amfiteater ter mednarodnih svetov revij Frakcija in TkH.

Ivo Svetina, roj. 1948 v Ljubljani. Pesnik, dramatik, esejist, prevajalec. Diplomiral na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani primerjalno književnost in literarno teorijo. Izdal več kot 20 pesniških zbirk, napisal več gledaliških iger, pravljic, esejev o poeziji in gledališču oz. dramatiki. Med drugim prevedel mite južnoameriških Indijancev, Tibetansko knjigo mrtvih in Tri tibetanske misterije. Prejel več nagrad: Zlato ptico leta 1976 za zbirko Botticelli, 1987 prejel nagrado Prešernovega sklada za zbirko Péti rokopisi, in štirikrat je za svoje igre prejel nagrado Slavka Gruma (za najboljše dramsko besedilo): 1987, 1992, 1996 in 2010. leta 2005 je za zbirko Lesbos prejel Veronikino nagrado za najboljšo pesniško zbirko leta, leta  2010  pa Jenkovo nagrado za zbirko Sfingin hlev. Od 10. decembra 2014 je predsednik Društva slovenskih  pisateljev.

Knjiga v javnosti

Matej Bogataj: Pupilijina zabava za rojstni dan
Večer / 30. 11. 2009
Zbornik prinaša ponatis nekaterihključnih dosedanjih besedil o Pupiliji, tudi Svetinovo pričevanje in besedilo Primoža Kozaka iz osemdesetih, nekaj je novih pričevanj in dopisovanja k nekoliko bolj znanemu, tehten osrednji del je namenjen premisleku o razliki med takrat in danes, predvsem v luči takratnega in današnjega stanja teorije in refleksije odrskih umetnosti.

Zdenko Kodrič: Štiri desetletja Pupilije
Večer / 28. 11. 2009
Natanko pred 40 leti je v Večeru, na strani kulture, izšel članek/ocena novinarja Vilija Vuka z naslovom Prišli so Pupilčki. Tako se imenuje tudi zbornik, ki je izšel ob 40-letnici ljubljanskega gledališča Pupilije Ferkeverk. Sicer pa so platnice omenjenega zbornika Večerova kulturna stran, natisnjena 26. novembra 1969.

Jela Krečič: Revolucija Pupilije Ferkeverk štirideset let pozneje
Delo / 22. 10 2009
Zajetna knjiga z besedo in izbranim dokumentarnim gradivom vsestransko osvetljuje delovanje omenjene skupine, še posebej njeno najodmevnejšo uprizoritev Pupilija, papa Pupilo pa Pupilčki (1969).

Iva Kosmos: Kanonizacija gole Mance
Dnevnik / 24. 10. 2009
Z uvrščanjem Pupilije Ferkeverk v kontekst drugih političnih in umetniških dogodkov šestdesetih let se je posebej ukvarjal Miško Šuvaković, ki je tudi kurator aktualne razstave Čas revolucije v galeriji Vžigalica. Šuvaković, ki se sicer nahaja nekje na pol poti med akterjem in opazovalcem nekega časa, saj je predstavo Pupilija, papa Pupilo pa Pupilčki videl kot petnajstletnik in se iz nje spominja le “gole Mance in kokoši”, razlaga umetniške skupine šestdesetih let kot fenomene hladne vojne, v kateri je bila Jugoslavija v posebnem položaju, v tako imenovani “tampon coni”. Nekdanja država naj bi namreč veljala za prostor emancipacije in svobode, do katerih dejansko nikoli ni prišlo, “čeprav so jih mladi dojeli resno in zares pričakovali njihovo realizacijo”.

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